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  • Redesign the Fintech mobile app


Redesign Information graphic

The feed about a stranger paid somebody in the tab of The Global Feed, which is kind of useless info. I would love to know some useful info. e.g. Online paying and sharing trend.

Redesign Delightful Interactions

The animation​ tells a story as the user moves from one step to the next. Which types of interactions should take advantage of these memorable experiences?

Redesign User Interface

Inspiring from " The New York Times"  The Fintech App also can be elegant. Redesign Layout, typographical,  typeface design and icon design.

Original App 

This is a free digital wallet that lets you make and share payments with friends. You can easily split the bill, cab fare, or much more. 

Screen Shot 2016-12-19 at 11.16.18 AM

Redesign Information graphic 

Problem - The feed about a stranger paid somebody in the tab of The Global Feed, which is kind of useless info. I would love to know some useful info. e.g. Online paying and sharing trend :)
Solution - So I designed an Information graphic for this tab. Here is a big an arrow, which is many category icons make of, Basis on paying date, we can show these category icons go big or small. 


Redesign Delightful Interactions

Delightful Interactions-The animation​ tells a story as the user moves from one step to the next. Which types of interactions should take advantage of these memorable experiences?

Redesign User Interface

The Fintech App also can be elegant and friendly. Layout, typographical,  typeface design and icon design 


My Gallery :)

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